It's not your imagination: The workforce management world is moving at warp speed these days. From virtual events to system to merger news and upgrades, here's the scoop on all things Kronos/UKG.
See You at UKG Works
Distance, schmistance. Who is ready for a big scoop of human connection? You are in luck: There's a good-sized party planned on November 18-19. KronosWorks — renamed UKGWorks — will be exclusively online this year. To be part of this first-ever virtual meet-up and connect with industry experts and friends you haven't seen since your pre-pandemic days, register now.
Improv will meet you in the cyber halls.
While meeting in cyberspace won't be the same (sorry, no dancing 'til midnight), we're determined to make this opportunity is even better. Look for Improv — your favorite Workforce Creatives — in the virtual exhibit hall.
UKG Works: Make every click count
• Free on-site consultations. Improv didn't sit around over quarantine, we've been working out. You'll find us pumped up and ready to knock out any issue standing in the way of your team's success. So, bring us your gnarliest Kronos scenarios, and, together, we'll get your 2021 comeback on track.
• A new opportunity in 2021. So how's your team's in-house Kronos IQ? We've got some exciting news that will benefit your Kronos Admin Team exponentially in 2021. We will tell you all about it at our booth. No fluff — you're gonna love it!
• Best giveaway ever. Visit the Improv booth and win big. What exactly? Well, that's pre-show confidentiality stuff (wink), but you can bet it will be something to brag about at your next staff meeting. Last year, our Back to the Future team gave away a hoverboard!
Dimensions R7 Nears
Will it be October or November? Either way, we can't wait for the upcoming release (R7) of the Workforce Dimensions suite. According to UKG, the release will include new features, enhancements, Reports, Data Views, products, Integrations, APIs, and maintenance improvements. For details on the update, visit the Dimensions Readiness Release page.
New Branding Unveiled
Kronos and Ultimate Software revealed their unified branding this month. The merger makes UKG the largest cloud company in the world focused on human capital and workforce management.
Changes Include:
Email addresses are now UKG.com.
The company will continue to offer Workforce Dimensions, Workforce Ready, UltiPro HCM, and HR service delivery solutions.
Kronos-branded items will be fully transitioned to UKG over the next year and a half. Lead products will be getting visual and name changes, i.e., UKG Dimensions, UKG Ready, UKG Workforce Central.
The company's new website is UKG.com, but customers can still access product resources on Kronos.com.
A fun note: One Kronos community moderator answered a user's question about forthcoming changes with "As for the color palette, enjoy the orange while you can . . . I hope you like teal!"
For more, here's the full UKG FAQ. We will continue to cover any merger changes that impact Kronos/UKG customers.
Buh-Bye WFR Classic UI
Workforce Ready's (WFR) classic user experience for desktop and mobile was officially retired in September. While many folks have been using the new Workforce Ready's (WFR) interface for a while now, fans of the classic UI are looking at a cleaner, more user-friendly UI designed to enhance efficiency and reporting power.
Top UI Features:
readyConnect. This feature provides Kronos Admins with relevant WFR announcements such as product updates, release readiness, year-end activities, and more.
Dashboards. The WFR Dashboards make visualizing data and customizing views easy. Admins can configure dashboards to include widgets, charts, and graphs.
Favorites. Start items will now show up as Favorites in the new UI once configured and quickly take Admins to most-used profiles. Favorites are on the menu under the star icon.
There's a lot more to the new WFR interface you can explore in these resources: Improv's How to Optimize Your New UI and Kronos's New User Experience page.
Improv is a proven Kronos Services Partner known for its ability to solve complex Kronos issues. If outdated or inferior configurations are keeping you reaching workforce outcomes, connect with Improv today. We're WFC, WFR, and Dimensions pros.