I often get the question: Why now? Why is now the right time to enter into a new product space and veer into the unknown world of productized training?
Honestly, once we chose to pursue training outside of our standard project implementations, the answer couldn't be more clear: UKG Admins deserve training that's engaging, relevant, and makes them love their jobs.
When the pandemic began in March of 2020, our first impulse was to find some way to help our clients get through the crisis intact. So, we immediately started weekly webinars focused on helping HR, IT, and Payroll managers understand how to frame the slew of legislative changes regarding sick time, pandemic pay, OSHA regulations, and unemployment benefits in relation to their UKG platform.
The webinars went exceptionally well and allowed us to deliver solutions during a stressful time when everyone seemed to be steeped in questions. After several months of webinars, we realized that helping so many companies at once inspired our team on a whole new creative level.
A fresh level of creativity overpowered the uncertainty. Soon, webinar attendees began requesting recordings and transcripts. Collaboration and creativity inside and outside of our walls spiked.
Knowledge Sharing
From a business standpoint, we faced many challenges ourselves during this time. Still, amid the turmoil and uncertainty, the ability to solve so many targeted problems sparked something new in us as a team, something we wanted to keep developing. We decided the best way to do that indefinitely would be with online courses.
So, we set out to create courses focused on UKG problem-solving. We wanted the courses to be short, practical lessons designed for the way frontline users work and think through workflow problems each day.
The concept behind Super Guru is that gurus pursue knowledge indefinitely, and with that knowledge comes peace. We like the idea of helping people become masters of their domains at work and make peace with their technology. We spend a lot of our lives at work and have the skills to enjoy that work is essential.
Our first Course is UKG Workforce Central Essentials. Several other courses (Dimensions and WFC II) are in process and slated to release in the summer.
Each Course is associated with a skill level to provide training to both new and advanced users and will include 7 hours of video content, downloadable resources, and optional quizzes to test comprehension.
Students will also have access to the Super Guru online community, a place they can connect with others, pose questions, collaborate, and get additional live work sessions, bonus content, and the option to add on 1-on-1 work sessions with an Improv consultant.
You've Got Options
We appreciate UKG training content, and who better to provide the standard for in-depth training than the technology creators? Ours is a training option not intended to replace UKG training but to complement it.
Super Guru lessons are bite-sized, anywhere from 8 to 40 minutes each (lunchtime learning), and target the tasks of frontline WFC Admins and Managers. Our first Course gives UKG users skills with various Kronos/UKG tools, such as Timekeeping, Accruals, Attendance, and so much more. You might think of Super Guru courses as the Reader's Digest version of UKG training. Here's a look inside one of our lessons on Data Access Profiles in Workforce Central.
UKG's training depth can easily be overwhelming and very software-centric for a UKG Admin who is simply looking to ramp up their system knowledge quickly or gain more confidence in the system environment. For those UKG Admins who need a fast, easy, practical understanding of their system, Super Guru gives them that option.
Training tends to be perceived as an optional part of new software implementation. Why? Because no one wants to slow down and do it. We think we know, so we leapfrog a lot of critical information and dig into our new toy. The problem with that? Skip training, and you end up frustrated and calling the help desk more than you call home.
Another reason UKG users struggle, in our experience, is that some Admins don't have access to UKG training. Others are taught in haste by someone leaving their post or by a colleague who often passes on inaccurate or dated information. This can result in years of inadequate training that produces knowledge gaps diminishing attitudes, user adoption, productivity, workforce efficiency, compliance, and outcomes.
We believe there is room for training options in this space, and so far, the response to our first Course has been great!
What's Next
We plan to keep creating the kind of content our clients repeatedly tell us they need to do their jobs well. It's that simple.
Our next Super Guru Course will be a UKG Dimensions Best Practices Course (July 2021) and a Phase II WFC course (August 2021).
Ready to grab some happy?
Growing your technology skills grows your confidence. This increases workforce outcomes and, yep, your happiness tends to grow.
Ready to skill up and grab more happiness at work?