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Free Resources for the Race to Flash-Free Kronos

Written by Toni Birdsong | May 21, 2020

The Coronavirus may try to slow our wheels, but it can't stop us from our natural wiring, which is to problem solve, configure, and curate solutions to help our clients succeed. Here are just a few of those resources you don't want to miss.

The next quarter of business for so many companies will be critical. And, the more information you have, the stronger your recovery plan will be. Here are some important Kronos-related deadlines and resources to help you prepare for the months ahead.  

May 29: New Webinar

As promised, Improv is keeping its monthly webinars on track as a resource for our clients. Our next webinar focuses on building better schedules in a Post-COVID workforce and is scheduled for May 29, at 11 a.m., PST. 

Improv Senior Application Consultants Paul Gaetani and Ken Casey will discuss the questions on everyone's minds such as configuring for staggered shifts, launching Kronos mobile, and using Kronos scheduling to optimize a remote workforce. There's also a Q & A time for any Kronos question you may have!

Register here for the May 29 webinar.

Just Released: Free, Useful Kronos Resources 

We've compiled a free resource library for that includes the answers to some of your most common Kronos questions. 

Need insight on Advanced Scheduler? Look no further. Considering integrating your company's scattered data sources with an iPaaS? We've got you. Need a how-to on getting your next Kronos project approved? Yep, it's there. These topics and many more are housed in the Improv Resource Library along with info-packed webinar recordings, and case studies. 

ASAP: Upgrade to Flash-Free or Bust

This is a deadline you may want to highlight.

Adobe will no longer support Flash by the end of 2020. Popular browsers will only load Kronos software that uses HTML5. This shift means WFC users will need an upgrade to transition smoothly from Flash-dependent system components to the new HTML equivalents by the deadline. 

From this point, you have a matter of weeks to begin an upgrade to your Workforce Central. To get the process rolling, download the Flash-Free FAQ from our new library.

Your best solution?  Contact Improv today  to get a fast, free analysis of your upgrade options. 

Kronos Launches COVID Contact-Tracing Tool

Big news: Kronos has launched an automated reporting tool to help customers streamline the employee contact-tracing process. According to Kronos, the retracing tool can be easily installed on any Kronos platform. It will analyze shifts, clock activity, labor records, and time and attendance data to identify potential exposure circles. It can generate a simple report that managers can use to quickly identify who may have come in contact with a co-worker who has tested positive or is presumed positive for COVID-19. 

According to Kronos, the tool will be a critical way to help reduce the risk of further virus transmission. Kronos is offering the tool free-of-charge to customers. For more information on getting started, visit the Kronos website.

Kronos COVID-19 Resource Center 

If you haven't done so already, be sure to visit the Kronos COVID-19 Resource Center located in the Customer Community. The center houses a robust library of tools and resources to help navigate the pandemic as it relates to the workplace and specific to a Kronos environment. There's a daily chat board packed with customer questions and answers as well as an impressive collection of knowledge base articles about COVID-19 regulatory requirements, work rules, and other relevant issues.

Daily: Get Kronos, TLM, Payroll Content

This Kronos-centric resource blog publishes weekly. If you happily stumbled our way today, subscribe hereso you don't miss another post. Also, we're talking about relevant Kronos, HR, Timekeeping, and payroll issues daily on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and YouTube — so give us a follow and let's chat!



We're Here. We Care.

As COVID continues to impact businesses of every size, Improv is here to help you step into a recovery phase positioned stronger than ever. Our team specializes Kronos implementations and upgrades, and we can help with any compliance configurations specific to federal COVID-19 legislation.

For more about Improv and our personalized approach to Kronos projects, download the paper below. Or, just give us a call today and let's get your workflow humming!