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Ready for KronosWorks? 7 Things You Can't Afford to Ignore

Written by Toni Birdsong | Nov 01, 2019

We’re just gonna put it right out there: KronosWorks is just that — it’s a lot of Kronos and it's a lot of work. Whether you are staff, a presenter, attendee, or exhibitor, this annual industry event requires a hefty chunk of time, energy, and resources. That said, KronosWorks is also the most rewarding industry gathering of the year and one you can’t afford to miss.

Think about it. You have two and a half days to spend with your Kronos tribe to amp your knowledge, grow your network, deepen client relationships, and level up your skills — so meeting your ROI is a no-brainer.

This year, KronosWorks, is once again at Aria, Las Vegas, November 10-13. And while the ROI is a breeze to calculate, to help you maximize your time, here’s our Big 7 Can’t Afford to Miss List:

  1. Hunt down the fun. Conferences where fun is in short supply can be pure torture. If you stopped by the Improvizations booth last year, you'd remember us as The Workforce Creatives. While we talked a lot about things like Attestation, Timekeeper, and Advanced Scheduler, we also made fun a priority. Our caricature artists produced over 100 amazing original pieces of art, and we gained as many new friends (see KW 2018 photos, below).

    This year, we promise to keep that vibe going (look for a DeLorean, a frazzled Doc Brown with his sidekick, McFly in BOOTH 544). This fun Back to the Future photo op will include a Free, Mini Kronos Implementation Assessment with on-site Improv Application Consultants (pre-sign ups at the end of this post). We will also have a raffle and freebies.

  2. Get what you came for. Over scheduling (and that whole Vegas thing) can derail your conference goals real quick. So before you arrive, create a KW Hit List of your key objectives and goals for the conference. Prioritize your list, carry it with you, and cross off items as you complete them. For instance:

    1. Critical technical questions you need answered.
    2. Key contacts you want to meet/network with.
    3. Sessions you need to attend.
    4. A concept you need clarity on.
    5. Insight on a trend or market change.

    Remember: This is the time and place to sharpen your Kronos skills, so cover as much ground as possible. Everyone is eager to share best practices and exchange ideas, so be bold and ask for what you need.

  3. Join the online conversation. There’s a parallel KronosWorks conversation happening online that will allow you to cover even more ground. Kronites are already chatting about KronosWorks on Twitter and LinkedIn. By using the hashtag #KronosWorks, you can contribute to the streaming conversation and connect with individuals and companies. You will find relevant content and even get the scoop on where people are networking after hours. Follow Improv on Twitter and LinkedIn for daily conference updates. Here’s our KronosWorks Twitter List to help you find people to follow.

  4. Be "that guy.” You know the guy that somehow shot you a short email before you even had a chance to exchange business cards? (Admit it, you were impressed!) Be that high-ROI guy (or gal) this year. If your follow-up hasn’t been timely in the past, this KronosWorks is your chance to change that narrative. If an encounter went well, take a few minutes, jot down conversation notes. At the end of each day, or on the plane ride home, send a brief email to touch base.

  5. Run, don’t walk, to the keynote. Confession: One year, we were late to the keynote and our momentum took a hit. Throughout the conference people, we met kept referring to a keynote moment or quoting one of the speakers and, well, let’s just say, it’s no fun feeling clueless. The KronosWorks team is known for booking phenomenal speakers and kicking off each conference with relevant, inspiring content. So, play full out, and don’t miss the keynote! (This event is called the Opening General Session on the agenda, and it’s Monday, Nov. 11, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.).

  6. Explore the entire exhibit hall. You don’t know what you don’t know (read that again). The value of KronosWorks comes when you take the time to unpack and experience each layer. New technologies, services, and solutions that could resolve a business issue or spark a unique opportunity could exist just one aisle over. We have met some of our most valuable business partners, clients, and friends in the KronosWorks exhibition hall because we took the time to explore the entire exhibit floor.

  7. Be a giver. So much time at a conference is spent gathering, retaining, prospecting, and learning. But the best opportunities in business tend to emerge in the midst of giving. So, give people your full attention. Give them your real (not trade show) self. Give a helping hand (even if and especially if it's to a competitor). Give people the right solutions for the right problems. Give people resources, ideas, and insight that will help them succeed — and give generously.

We hope you have an exceptional time at this year’s event. Please stop by BOOTH 544 to meet the Improv team and have a blast going Back to the Future

Skip the line and schedule an apt with us by filling out the form below. You can choose a date and time to meet with one of our Improv consultants during KronosWorks 2019! When you get to the booth, our consultants will be waiting to conduct your FREE, 1-1 Assessment.