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How Adult Learners Learn Kronos Part II - Kronos Training On My Own

Written by Dwain Lambrigger | Nov 19, 2010

Most of the essential things in life are learned outside of a classroom, from programming a car stereo’s auto-set buttons, installing a new toilet, or what not to do on a first date. In fact, according to many studies, it is the type of learning most adults prefer. So, let’s learn what it means to be an autonomous and self-directed learner, then apply that knowledge to a Kronos Workforce Timekeeper training event.  

What does it mean to be self-directed and autonomous? 

It is in our nature to gain control of things. Heck, why do you carry a smartphone? It’s probably not to show off the spiffy leather holder clipped to your belt. That smartphone helps you gain more control over e-mail, allows you to edit documents on the road, and get instant messages from family, friends, and business associates. It’s also done wonders for my fantasy football team, but I digress. We are self-directed learners because it puts us in control of the learning process. As autonomous learners, we learn on our own. So, as self-directed, autonomous learners, we are responsible for our learning.

Ask yourself this simple question: Who taught you to walk?  Were you brought into a classroom with other toddlers where a teacher showed you how to grab the side of a coffee table and lift yourself up? Did you review a web-based tutorial convincing you that learning to walk will improve your life? Of course not.

You were motivated to get up off your hands and knees because you saw mommy and daddy do it; it looked like a better way to get around. We all learned to walk on our own. Yes, our mommies and daddies were usually there to pick us up when we fell, but make no mistake, a baby wants to learn to walk, and they will learn to walk on their own.  

Is it wrong to learn in groups?

No, definitely not. When talking about things like scheduling, group input is very helpful. Different perspectives on a topic can help us better understand that topic... and that is the point. The group dynamic allows you to learn. The goal is the same; you are learning something. Being in a group makes that possible.  

So how does this affect a Workforce Timekeeper training event?

When building training, and remembering that adult learners are self-directed and autonomous, keep the following in mind:  

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice - There should be a good amount of independent practice in classes. Ensure that there is at least one question of independent practice for each lesson at the end of a module. This goes for guided practice too. Don’t be afraid to have learners guide you through a process when it is simple, or self-explanatory.

  2. When Necessary, Get Out of the Way - I once heard a funny piece of advice, “It’s best to avoid standing directly between a competitive jerk and his goals.” Now, I apologize if I offended any competitive jerks out there. The point here is to let the learner learn. Don’t require him to learn something “your way.” If he is getting the job done, let him continue. 

  3. Let participants do the math - Often, learning takes place when a participant talks something out. For example, when discussing the importance of a historical edit with retroactive pay, a learner may need to use a real-world example. LET HER! By making the task relevant, the learner is more willing to take charge of the learning experience. Often, as a facilitator, you might want to talk through this process, especially in the interest of time. Fight that urge. 

As trainers and facilitators, we have a natural urge to be in control of the learning taking place. That is a slightly egotistic view. The class does not revolve around who is providing the information, it revolves around who is learning. Keeping your focus on the learner, and not the information presented will improve the quality of the event.

Good luck with your Kronos training implementation!

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