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Kronos Workforce Timekeeper Training from a 50,000 Foot View

Written by Dwain Lambrigger | Oct 05, 2011

When training Kronos Timekeeper, it is a good idea to take an occasional look from 50.000 (50K) feet up. Just make sure you have a parachute! The 50K view is very helpful in creating understanding. Kronos training can be complex. That is specifically, but not exceptionally true when talking about configuration training.

There are steps, upon steps, upon steps to building great Workforce Timekeeper tools like genies, pay rules or HyperFind queries. Now, most system administrators are familiar with the fact that there are building blocks to creating WFTK tools, but more general users are not. When these types of users are in training, it's a good idea to talk about specific steps, then occasionally take a view from 50K so that you can remind participants of the process. Without reminding these users of the overall process, goal, and how it relates to them and their job, you will lose them. Sorry to say, these users are focused on what they need to do. Listen, your training MUST BE ABLE to do one of these three things:



HELP ME DO MY JOB BETTER (...and be rewarded!)

If your training doesn't achieve one or more of these three goals, you are going to lose your class. It's that simple. Using the 50K view will help keep your participants involved because it will keep them clear on where they are. Knowing where you fit at any one time will build confidence in participants about what they are doing. Now that we know and accept this as true, here are some tips about going up to 50K without losing any passengers!

Limit The Occurances - Going to 50K will burn a lot of fuel. You as a trainer will use a lot of energy to stop your instruction, return to the process, and again, show participants the goals and steps to achieve those goals. Don't waste your energy! I go to 50K at the following times: Introduce, Review, and once every two or three steps. Any more than that only succeeds in exhausting you and boring the class participants.  

No Detail - The 50K view is a review, nothing more. This is not the time to bring up details about a specific step. Note the steps, note the goal, that is it.

Participant Buy In - For the 50K view to work properly, your participants need to be engaged and paying attention. I know, I know; participants should be engaged to the entire class. That's true, but they REALLY need to be focused on the 50K view. Without understanding the purpose of all of those steps, they won't understand each step on it's own. When conducting your review, make sure to ask a lot of questions, walk around the room, raise the volume of your voice; whatever technique you use to get focus from your participants. Use it here and use it now.

The 50K view is a technique that has been used forever, probably because it works. Keep these tips in the back of your mind when you use it in your class. 

Good luck with your Kronos training implementation.