When preparing to present a Kronos course, be it any flavor of Workforce Central (HR, Payroll, Leave, Attendance, Scheduler, etc.) it is important to remember what is on the line for your learners. Although learners often strive for the black and white, the yes and no; the checklist of topics if you will; the fact of the matter is that this type of learning doesn't not represent true understanding.
Generally, this type of learning works well when first using a Kronos Workforce application, however the learner will use the system BETTER when they truly understand how it is used and how it affects them. How do I define better? When learners can simultaneously understand the outward steps and documented policies and procedures for the actions they undertake, they will understand the advantages and be committed to the use of the application.
There are many techniques to increase the understanding of learners in our classes. I have listed some of the more straightforward techniques here.
Real World Examples - Use examples your learners are most familiar with. By taking into account theses examples, and explaining their impact, learners are more likely understand not just the issue, but the impact it has on their own jobs.
Open Ended Questions -Learners will be less likely to fathom a guess on a "true or false" question because of the threat to their ego. Like Mark Twain said:
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...
This explains why a trainer can never get a question answered! I think the most contagious thing in a classroom is the unanswered question. So, I say start with the things everyone can answer:
What do you do?
Why are you here?
What do you know?
How will this work?
What do you think?
These are the questions you should be asking, and like any good interviewer, build from there.
Relate, relate, relate - When talking about approving timecards, I always start with a discussion of what managers do now. Every manager who has paper timecards knows the process, review each timecard, circle missed punches, total the hours, move to the next timecard. So on and so forth until you are finished. Once we relate, I can then tell them how Workforce Timekeeper will do the math for them, and how through Workforce Genies, they can see a list of employees with missed punches... AUTOMATICALLY! It's pretty exciting stuff. But maybe I live a pretty hum-drum life; regardless, the point is carried. A deeper understanding has been reached by the learner. More "color" is added to the learning experience because you as the trainer would not accept "black and white" learning.
Remember, the lazy traine
r will focus on getting information out. A less than invested trainer will focus on the steps and results of tasks within Workforce Timekeeper. An inspired trainer will strive to convey understanding to the learners, regardless of the topic.
Which trainer are you?
Good luck with your training implementation.