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NDA's and the gullibility of some

Written by Bryan deSilva | May 20, 2010

Why is it that so often people who seem to believe in doing the right thing and convince others they are ethical, religious and/or moral, aren't.

  • Aren't honest with themselves and others.

  • Aren't ethical in behavior, although I'm sure justification is all encompassing.

  • Don't do what they say the will all the while emphatically saying they will.

Maybe I'm just gullible? None of us is perfect, but I sure want people and organizations to have integrity.

Improvisations has a mission, vision and plan. It's pretty good I think. The bottom line is that we do what we say. We work hard to do the right thing, to Wow! our customers, our talent, and sometimes others who enjoy our company. We teach everyone we come into contact with as much as possible. This keeps us learning all the time and that is of great benefit to all. If this is for you, we invite you to come play in our sandbox; Join Kronos-Fans, sign up for the newsletter, comment on this blog, get involved helping other kronites, call me.