Now that the training plan has been developed and the deliverables have been considered, (well, kind of), let's look at the different type of options for training deliverables using the Training Zen approach to your Kronos implementation.
The types of deliverables used are pretty common. Most are used in canned training delivery. The key is the uniqueness of YOUR deliverable. The purpose of this installment is to review these deliverables, their benefits and drawbacks; and understand how they become something better with a Training Zen approach. We will focus on the most used types of written deliverables in a Kronos Implementation or Upgrade; the training manual, reference guide and task sheet.
Training Manual - This is the most used deliverable in all training events. There is a reason for this; the training manual is the one stop for all of the information to be trained, where an attempt is made to incorporate everything possible. Some of the characteristics of a training manual are:
Clearly defined modules, lesson and tasks ingrained by design
Motivation and purpose are clearly stated
"Steps" sections used to describe the steps and expected results for a task
Real world examples are used take advantage of learner experience and to relate to the actual work being done.
Review section for each module to reinforce presented information
Independent and guided practice exercises built to be used with a Kronos Training environment (database)
As stated above, this deliverable is comprehensive in scope. It is best used in a live classroom environment. Redundancy of presented information is another strong feature to this deliverable, where a task will be introduced, explained with steps and expected results, and then reviewed at the end of a lesson and/or module. This is useful, as it gives learners multiple opportunities to grasp the material.
The large scope of this deliverable is both an advantage AND disadvantage, depending upon its use. The attempt to include as much information as possible often makes this type of deliverable quite weighty, both literally and figuratively. One primary focus of the Kronos Training Zen approach is to provide "just in time and just what's needed" information. Often the training manual provides just too much data.
The classroom based training environment is where this type of deliverable is best suited. It provides all of the information necessary, and the repetition that learners need. Outside of the classroom based environment, it is just too much, and often not used for reference. This lack of use after training occurs limits the efficiency of this deliverable.
Reference Guide - This tool is gaining a great deal of use in training projects today. The Reference Guide is a direct relation to the Training Manual, but without the such a comprehensive scope. A Reference Guide is an action based document, focusing on the steps and expected results of tasks the learner is required to learn, as well as the workflow for processes within an organization (both within Kronos Timekeeper and outside it). Real world examples and purpose statements are often used, but they are not the focus of this document. Most often, guided exercises are used by the course presenter to work through the different tasks in this deliverable, with learners following along on their own training computers.
In the past, this type of deliverable was provided as a post training reference. It was discovered that learners were frustrated trying to use Training Manual to get a quick answer for a question. Because the Reference Guide is a task based document, and generally much smaller than a Training Guide, it was an efficient solution.
Although a Reference Guide can be used as a post training tool, it is also an excellent choice as the primary deliverable for a distance learning event, or for short learning events such as workshops. Currently, Reference Guides are seeing use in classroom based training environments as well. A Reference Guide can be easily synced up with a Kronos Training database so that independent AND guided practice exercises can be used. Although a Reference Guide is not best suited for this environment, it can be used effectively; with extra effort on the part of the course presenter. The ability of this deliverable to be used in so many different ways makes it the "utility infielder" of all these training
deliverables, and should be considered for all training projects.
Task Sheet - This deliverable is commonly referred to as a Job Aid, or a Quick Reference Sheet. A Task Sheet is used as a quick reference for three to five common tasks in Kronos Workforce Central. Ideally, though not always, this deliverable should be limited to one double-sided 8 1/2 by 11 inch page. The value of this deliverable is its ability to provide a reference resource that can be used quickly. As with the Reference Guide, this is an action based document, showing tasks and expected results only. There is no syncing to a training environment. Screen shots are used where necessary to illustrate a specific step in a task, however not all task steps should have screen shots.
The point of this deliverable is to get to the point. No extraneous material is incorporated. Although this type of deliverable is customized for use with specific tasks, it should not be a comprehensive resource. Just the facts ma'am.
The Task Sheet is designed as a reference tool to be used after a training event. In very few cases, it may be used for limited training. A good example of this is for Kronos Timekeeper Terminal training. The Task Sheet is the perfect tool when a supervisor has to train five or six employees right in front of the Timekeeper Terminal.
The Task Sheet has a great deal of potential as a learning tool. From posting a common Task Sheet at a terminal or PC, to minimizing a Task Sheet and attaching it employee's badge, the quick, to-the-point information provided is invaluable as part of your Kronos Workforce Central training implementation.