Learner and logistics analyses are vital steps in understanding your organization and developing Kronos Training Zen.
They say it's important to know what you don't know. Just as frequently, it's important to know what you know. In the last blog article we discussed how your task, policy and procedure analysis affect your training plan. Tasks, policies and procedures help organizations discover what we need to know. In this article we will discuss what you know; specifically, who your people are and what your organization has. So let's take a short and introspective look into what is needed for Learner and Logistical Analysis in the quest for Kronos Training Zen.
One of the cornerstones of Training Zen is to take advantage of the life and work experience as well as the knowledge of your employees. When conducting a proper learner analysis it is
important to incorporate as much effort as possible to learn about who the employee is and what they need. If an organization truly understands their employees, it will understand how the employee learns best. Some of these questions are easier to answer than others. For example, a geographically diverse workforce will be more likely to use online training, be it pre-recorded or live, because it fits the need much more than any other type of training.
In a lot of organizations there are more options. A good way to understand the learners in your organization is to ask a few questions:
How long can I expect the learner to spend in a training session?
What type of deliverable will be the most benefit to learners both during and after the training event?
How comfortable are learners with technology?
Who do learners respect?
Learner analysis has a significant impact on the final form of your training deliverables and events. The previous analyses that were discussed will impact what is in the training materials, but not what the deliverables are.
So what are your resources? The first resource you need to consider is your people. Do you have a training department? Instructional designers? Educational project managers? Don't limit yourself to what employees do, think about what employees can do. Employees who conduct a training course can gain a higher level of respect for learners then any other training could hope for. The second resource is money. There is no substitute for it.
Finally, the physical stuff. Do you have computers available for training? Do you have a classroom? What about a printing department? Is your network capable of supporting network or web based training? The key to logistics is to take advantage of all resources available in the best way possible.
As with the learner analysis, the logistic analysis has a huge impact on what is finally delivered. Generally, you are best served doing what you do best. If you had success with classroom training in the past, you should continue with it. If you have the resources, use them. Know your people and know your resources. These will improve your Kronos Training Plan, and by extent, your training.