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Kronos WFC Change Control Best Practices - details

Written by Bryan deSilva | Aug 18, 2009

So with those best practice concepts under our belt, let's get into the details of our 5 step process.

Step 1 - Use PRAC to figure out your configuration changes

  1. Update your PRAC environment with a current copy of PROD, so you know your manipulating the right configuration.

  2. Create and update all the elements you need to get a successful test within PRAC for your desired configuration change or new configuration.

  3. Once you have it working, go through and identify every configuration change you made that was critical to the final result.

Ignore all of your other practicing!

Step 2 - Put all of your final configuration changes in the DEV

  1. Keep careful track of every element that you create, rename or update in your spreadsheet, database or SharePoint. Do not create unnecessary elements.

  2. Perform a simple test in DEV to confirm that what you have created works as you expected.

  3. Update any other configuration items that you intend to move with SDM (like data access profiles).

  4. Make note of any configuration items that you changed which SDM cannot move (like global hyperfinds).

Step 3 - Copy those changes to your TEST

  1. First rename every element in TEST that you renamed in DEV.

  2. If necessary, delete any elements in TEST that you deleted in DEV.

  3. Use SDM to select and copy the individual configuration items from DEV into TEST.  First the pay configuration items, and then anything else.  It is best to copy just one grouping at a time.

  4. Make any needed manual updates from your list from step 2.4.

Everything you do here should be carefully documented. Use screen shots. This process needs to be repeatable in PROD later.

Step 4 - Perform your formal testing in TEST
Testing is out of the scope of this series but at a minimum, you must confirm every item that was changed in Step 3.

Step 5 - Copy your changes from DEV to PROD  (This should be exactly what you did in Step 3.)

  1. First rename every element in PROD that you renamed in DEV.

  2. If necessary, delete any elements in PROD that you deleted in DEV.

  3. Use SDM to select and copy the individual configuration items from DEV into PROD.  First the pay configuration items, and then anything else.  It is best to copy just one grouping at a time.

  4. Make any manual updates that you needed to make from your list from step 2.4.

And you're done!  Now PROD has exactly the same configuration that DEV has and it is exactly the same configuration that you tested in TEST and all of your practice work and mistakes are safely isolated in PRAC.  Risk has been minimized and you have documentation of what you changed and when it was changed!
Hopefully you'll find a process similar to this that works to improve the limited, native change control abilities in WFC. Let's face it. All we can do is wrap good processes around it.


As we close out this series I want to again thank all the folk I've spoken with and who've written articles and bits to make this so successful. Change Management has been so popular that next week Jeff Hill and I will start a discussion on ensuring accurate standards are kept in CM. If there is something else you'd like discussed in this blog feel free to comment here or email me directly. Thanks!