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Improvizations presents: The Gift of Time

Written by Improvizations | Oct 23, 2014

Years ago I was frantically trying to get everything done on a hot Saturday afternoon in Tampa. I'm sure you know the drill - working mom trying to squeeze everything in during the weekend, laundry, cleaning, dry cleaners, grocery shopping, you name it, I was doing it.

My son, who was eight years old at the time, was with me. He had been a great little companion that day, not complaining as I dragged him into countless stores, always admonishing him to "Hurry up! I don't have a lot of time today!" whenever he lingered.

As we came up to a stoplight, our local Krispy Kreme donut shop was across the corner, glowing and tempting. He looked at me, hesitated, and then asked "Can we stop for a donut?" Poor kid, he already knew the answer would be "No! Not today, honey, I don't have enough time."

And then my brilliantly wise 8-year said the words that would change my life.

"But, mom, there's always time for a donut!"

And I looked into his big, brown, pleading eyes and realized he was absolutely right.

I don't remember what errands we did that day or if we even got everything done. I do remember sitting in the booth with our donuts and hot chocolate, talking and laughing and bonding.

I remember the lesson - and hear his words in my head when I'm feeling especially stressed out or rushed. There's always time to stop and enjoy the moment, to appreciate life, and to be grateful for those that we love. A few minutes of time to stop and breathe gives us the necessary time to focus on what's really important.

When was the last time you had time for a donut?

This year, at KronosWorks 2014, in gratitude to our clients and our consultants, Improvizations will be giving away the Gift of Time. Stop by our booth #611. Tell us why you need more time - and we'll see how we can help.