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A Kronos Year in Review: The Top Kronos Guy Blog Posts of 2015

Written by Jenna DeVries | Jan 15, 2016

January is a time for new beginnings. The countdown begins, the ball drops, and suddenly we all enter the new year with a clean slate and the hope of a year full of promise. Although January is a time to look to the future, it is also the time to reflect on the past. Robert Penn Warren eloquently stated, "History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future." Before we move forward this year, here are your top five most-read WFM blogs of 2015! Cheers to another year of growing and learning together! 

  1. The Top 10 Tips for Successful Kronos Training

The 4th Annual IT Adoption Insight Report found, because of lack of user-adoption for new software, companies are experiencing productivity losses of 17%: the equivalent of giving everyone on staff every Friday off. At 17%, the economic value of user losses outweighs 100% of many IT budgets. Creating company wide end user adoption of Kronos software is a critical factor for productivity and increased ROI. How can a company ensure that user adoption in your new Kronos application is achieved throughout the organization? The answer is: with strategic Kronos™ Training.

  1. Why Upgrade Kronos? Discover the “Why” behind a Kronos Upgrade

Faced with the dilemma of keeping up with service packs, advisories, and upgrades, Prince Hamlet of Kronosland despondently asked, "To upgrade or not to upgrade, that is the question ---." Painful reference to Shakespeare aside, should your organization upgrade now? Should you wait for the java-free Kronos version 8.0? The Kronos Upgrade conversation often centers on the decision to upgrade, without focusing on “why” the decision to upgrade is necessary. Strategically planning if, when, and how to upgrade entails understanding the reasons why a Kronos upgrade would be beneficial for your organization (or why it might be time to wait).

  1. A Kronos Implementation Guide: Planning for Complexity

Complexity is inherent in any enterprise Kronos implementation. Failing to fully account and plan for all variables in the total Kronos equation guarantees an over budget and under-delivered project. Failing to plan for the inherent complexity in an IT project results in:

  • Incomplete Planning

  • Disjointed Execution

  • An end product that is a support nightmare, negating any planned ROI

"Most people don't plan to fail; they simply fail to plan."

  1. Upgrading to Kronos WFC 8: Questions, Themes, and some Commentary

I just returned from the Kronos Partnership Summit. Yes, I got to see Kronos version 8! (How jealous are you, dear readers?)

Kronos is referring to the release of version 8 as a Product Event - a release of a product that is so special it has the potential to become a game-changer for its users. In this case, I think the hype is true. Just about everyone is excited, but in all the excitement, I'm consistently hearing a few themes and some questions. We're even seeing questions and discussions over on Kronos-fans! I'd love to get a conversation started - won't you join me?

  1. Kronos Version 8: Magic Number 8

The moment we've all been waiting for: Kronos recently debuted Workforce Central Version 8 with a webinar entitled, “Workforce Central 8: Managing without Limits.” The new and improved platform boasts optimized user experience, enhanced industry capabilities and Global Deployments, as well as intuitive and accessible reporting and analytics. Kronos introduced over 500 new features between versions 7.0 and 7.07 and Version 8.0 contains all those and many more.

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